Gonna - Wanna - Gotta - Dunno - Fav - Fab - Kinda | Slang in the English Language
What does Gonna mean? | What does Wanna mean? | What does Gotta mean? | What's the meaning of Fav? | What's the meaning of Fab? | What does 'Kinda' mean?
How to use gonna, wanna, gotta, fab, fav, kinda?
You can hear these English expressions every day but you're not sure about the meaning?
Gonna = Going to
Gonna is nothing else but 'going to' and expresses future.
I'm not gonna go to this concert = I'm not going to go to this concert.
What are you gonna do tonight = What are you going to do tonight.

Wanna = Want to
I wanna go to the party = I want to go to the party
Do you wanna have a pizza? = Do you want to have a pizza.

Gotta - (have / has) got to
It's the informal alternative of to have to or must
I/I've gotta do my homework. = I have got to do my homework
He/He's gotta talk to her tonight. = He has got to talk to her tonight.

Kinda - kind of
Kind of has a similar meaning to 'sort of'
'What kinda music do you like?'
Kinda - quite, rather
'What do you think about Richard?' ' I like him, I think he kinda looks like Richard Gere :-) '
'Well, to be honest I kinda like to live in the countryside.'

Fav - favourite
'Do you like Reese Witherspoon?' ' yes, She's my absolute fav of all time.' = She is my absolute favourite of all time.
You can also see this as 'fave'. There is a never-ending debate about it but it looks like they both are OK to use.
You can read more about it here.

Fab - fabulous
'I bought this bag in the mall yesterday.' 'Looks fab, good choice!' = Looks fabulous, good choice.

Dunno - Don't know
'What's your plan for the future?' 'Dunno really.' = I don't know (really)..